Friday, November 9, 2012


Would you support a child president? Why or why not?


  1. I would support him because, he probably worked hard to campaign and thought hard about how hard he will have to work.

    1. I agree with you, but the only thing is he doesn't know about all the taxes and stuff like that.

  2. If I agreed with almost ALL of he/she's points then possibly, but it's not likely. Even if he DID have a lot of good points, I don't think I would vote for him because kids don't have children, they don't pay taxes, they can't manage money, and they don't have a house. Therefore they may not have a general sense of what's best for the country. I guess I'm not sure.

    1. That's what I said in my post to. I may or may not vote for him.

  3. I don't think that I would support or vote for a kid president because I don't think he would know enough for our country. He also didn't even know he would become president so he wouldn't know what to do. I also don't think it is possible foe a thirteen year old to become president.

    1. It could be possible but not likely.

  4. To tell you the truth I dont think I would- dont get me wrong it would be awesome, but I dont think they would run the country very well. They would mostly focus on less important stuff. Unless there super smart and they care about the army and all that political stuff then maybe. But if a kid ran in the 2012 election I wouldn't vote for them. (If I could vote). For now it doesn't seem right to have a kid for president it would be fun but I dont think our country would last long.

    1. I agree. If a kid was president they'd make no school, ice cream every day, and other things that don't really matter.

    2. I bet they would focus on the less important stuff too. I don't think it would be very likely for a 13 year-old tho be very interested in the army and political stuff.

  5. Yes, because I'm a child so I would think that it would fun to have someone else younger than 35, also because I personally think it would quite fun .

    1. It would be fun, but our country wouldn't run very well. They don't know about the political stuff. They don't even have a house!!

  6. No, because a child dosen't know any thing about presidential stuff like what he has to do.

    1. I agree but, he does no about some things

  7. I would support a child president. Because they are children from other schools so you could give a kid a chance being a president or school president.I would Think if a kid president do good in school even a school president might do good.Then if they were a school president they could become a real president when he grows up. Thats Why i think a kid could be a president.

  8. I would suport a kid president because he or she would be the first kid to even run for president. That is why I think that kid should become a president

  9. I would vote a kid president because, I think that would be a nice thing for America. I would like to see what kind of laws he or she would enforce. I think that we all might vote for that kid if someone ran for president. When he said that he thought that being elected "Kid President" was stupid! When he said the words, "I Judson Moon, do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will, to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the the United States." I like the quote.

    1. I would vote for a kid because of the same reason

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. NO,I would not like a kid to run for president cause they would not no what to do if we had to go to a war or something serous.

  12. Yes' because kids are smarter than grownups.

    1. You know just because you'r a kid we not smarter than grownup's

    2. I agree with Jadon

    3. Actually I think since adults have been in higher schools adults are smarter then kids

    4. Jadon I agree with you because they know how to play video games.

  13. No because they won't protect us. And they will give free stuff.

  14. Well if they have been doing a good job as president, I would say yes. If they have been doing a lousy job as president, I would say no. So I am half and half.

  15. Yes i would support a child president because he might make good rules for kids like free ice cream,a and other stuff.

  16. I'm not sure because some kids are good they make good choses and some of the other children(kids) they would make poor choses so im not rilly sure if i would or not cause some Adults think a kid for presedent isn't a good idea.

  17. I would support him. He would be youngest president on earth, though he might not be a good one.

  18. My favorite word from the book was question because you would have to live your life asking them or if you want to know something you wont get the answer.It also was my favorite word because if you ask someone a question you do not have to say I need you to answer something please you could just I need to ask you something.

    1. Hi Kaylynn I really agree on that

    2. I like what you wrote kaylynn good work.

  19. Yes because I would like to have a child for president because they will make laws that kids would like to have.

    1. I agree that a kid president would make the U.S.A a fun country.

  20. I would definitely support him because it would be pretty fun to have a kid president and plus school would be really awesome and very fun. I think.

    1. I said that in my post, I would support him.(Great minds think alike.)

    2. I disagree because it would not be fun to go to school when your a kid that is president because you can do what you want at the white house because it has a game room,bowling room,movie theater,pool a hot tub,golf grouse,a room with a tv that is a 100ft flat screen tv with ever show that you want.

  21. Yes. He probably worked hard. And it might be funner with a kid for our president.

  22. I would not support him because he would probably not know what he was doing.He would probably make very silly changes.

    1. That is true but it will be fun to see a child for president.

  23. No i would not support a child president because he does not now how to support the united states .

  24. I would love a kid for president because kids are smarter than grownups

    1. Yeah right.There is know way a kid is smarter than an adult unless the adult's brain was the size of a walnut.

    2. I agree i'v always thought I was smarter than my mom.

  25. I would not support a kid president because he could lead our country into BIG problems. He could start another war with a different country or make the U.S.A turn into a BIG wreck.

  26. I would because it would be cool and it would be the first kid president in the world and that would be cool

  27. I would sopport a kid because he or she would let you eat ice cream and more recess.

  28. I would not support a child president because they would not really know what they were doing.

  29. Yes because it would be interesting to have a kid for president and he would not know how to raise taxes

  30. I would not agree of having a kid as a president because he could blow something up or something else dangerous because he doesn't know better.

  31. I would not support a kid for president.He/she would not know how to deal with money and politics.To me politics are very confusing.They would start wars and do other crazy stuff that wouldn't have happened if an adult would have been elected.

  32. I would support a kid president because I would like to see how school would be like.

  33. Yes because kids are better than grown ups

  34. I would because kids are AWESOME!!!!!!!
